
Methods which can help you to call private methods, get and set values to/from private fields.


No constructors


No fields


#CallMethod(this o, methodName, params args): object

Call private method

othis objectNoOjbect, from which you want to call method
methodNamestringNoMethod name
argsparams object[]NoMethod arguments

Returns: object


using ReflectionUtility; //... //Adding spawn effect to 'MapBox.instance.stackEffects' calling private method 'startSpawnEffect' with arguments 'newUnit.currentTile' and 'spawn' MapBox.instance.stackEffects.CallMethod("startSpawnEffect", newUnit.currentTile, "spawn"); //...
//... //Adding spawn effect to 'MapBox.instance.stackEffects' calling private method 'startSpawnEffect' with arguments 'newUnit.currentTile' and 'spawn' ReflectionUtility.Reflection.CallMethod(MapBox.instance.stackEffects, "startSpawnEffect", newUnit.currentTile, "spawn"); //...
using ReflectionUtility; //... //Checking if '(Kingdom)kingdom' is enemy for '(Kingdom)pActor.kingdom' calling private method 'isEnemy' with argument '(Kingdom)kingdom', receiving 'bool' var isEnemy = (bool)pActor.kingdom.CallMethod("isEnemy", kingdom); //...

#CallStaticMethod(type, methodName, params args): object

Call static private method

typeTypeNoType of object from which you want to call static method
methodNamestringNoMethod name
argsparams object[]NoMethod arguments

Returns: object


using ReflectionUtility; //... //Checking for existance window with id 'inspect_unit' Reflection.CallStaticMethod(typeof(ScrollWindow), "checkWindowExist", "inspect_unit"); //...

#GetField(type, instance, fieldName): object

Get value from private field

typeTypeNoType of object from which you want to get field
instanceobjectNoInstance of type
fieldNamestringNoName of field from which you want to receive value

Returns: object


using ReflectionUtility; //... //Get private field '(Dictionary<string, string>)localizedText' from 'LocalizedTextManager' which contains translations texts var texts = (Dictionary<string, string>)Reflection.GetField(LocalizedTextManager.instance.GetType(), LocalizedTextManager.instance, "localizedText"); //...
using ReflectionUtility; //... //Get static private field '(Dictionary<string, ScrollWindow>)allWindows' from 'ScrollWindow' which contains all ScrollWindow windows Reflection.GetField(typeof(ScrollWindow), null, "allWindows") as Dictionary<string, ScrollWindow>; //...

#SetField(originalObject, fieldName, T newValue): void

Set value to private field

originalObjectobjectNoObject in which you want to change field value
fieldNamestringNoField name
newValuegeneric typeNoNew field value

Returns: void


using ReflectionUtility; //... //Set value '(Race)raceObj' to 'race' field in '(City)city' object Reflection.SetField<Race>(city, "race", raceObj); //...