# mod.json

This is the main mod's file. There is definding mod's name, author, version, description and path to the icon

# Definitions

name - the name of your mod, should be unique. If you want to make extension for one of existing mod, mod name should looks like OriginalModName.preload.yourExtensionModName, where OriginalModName is name of original mod to which this mod will be as extension, preload if this extension mod should be loaded right before original mod or postload if this extension mod should be loaded right after original mod and then yourExtensionModName as name of your extension mod;
author - the name of mod's author;
version - mod's current version;
targetGameBuild - game's build for which this mod was made. If mod's targetGameBuild will not be same as game's build number, there will be attention on mod in NCMS mods window;
description - the description of your mod;
iconPath - path to icon, relative path starting from root mod's folder.

# Example

    "name": "Example mod",
    "author": "Nikon#7777",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "targetGameBuild": 444,
    "description": "This is an example mod's description!",
    "iconPath": "icon.png"

# Extension Mod Example

    "name": "PowerBox.postload.New Cool Powers",
    "author": "Nikon#7777",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "targetGameBuild": 444,
    "description": "This mod adds new powers to the PowerBox's tab",
    "iconPath": "icon.png"